Dear Michael Economy:
Thanks for advertising with Facebook. Upon reviewing your account, we have determined that one or more of your ads do not meet our guidelines. To view your disapproved ads:
1. Log in to your account at
2. Your disapproved ads are denoted by the disapproved ad icon
Please note that you may receive multiple emails for ads disapproved in your account.
Disapproved ad(s):
Ad Issue(s):
* The text and/or image of this ad is not representative of the product or service being advertised. Per section 3 of Facebook's Advertising Guidelines, the title, ad text, or image must clearly state or include the company, product, or brand name. If you choose to submit this ad again, please make the necessary changes so that it adheres to all of Facebook's Advertising Guidelines.
* The text of this ad contains improper or unnecessary punctuation, or lacks necessary punctuation. Per section 6 of Facebook's Advertising Guidelines, all ads should include logical, correct punctuation, including sentence-ending punctuation for all sentences. Be sure that you use the proper punctuation at the end of each sentence. If you choose to submit this ad again, please make the necessary changes so that it adheres to all of Facebook's Advertising Guidelines.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Michael Economy
4:32 PM
Tags: cat, censorship, facebook, fail, punctation, rejected, unjust